To reset the console, press the iFit Menu button in
the upper right corner of the screen. To pause the
workout, press the Pause button. To continue the
orkout, press the Resume button or the Start but-
ton. To end the workout and select a new workout,
ress the New Workout button. To end the work-
out, press the End Workout button.
Note: The small wire-
less symbol in the upper
right corner of the
screen will show your
wireless connection sta-
tus. If the symbol is yel-
low, your treadmill is
connected to your wireless network. If the symbol
is green, your treadmill is connected to your wire-
less network and you have logged in to
www.iFit.com. If the symbol does not appear, your
treadmill is not connected to your wireless network.
6. Measure your heart rate if desired.
Before using
the handgrip
pulse sensor,
remove the
sheets of plas-
tic from the
metal contacts,
if necessary. In
addition, make
sure that your
hands are
To measure your heart rate, stand on the walking
platform and hold the metal contacts on the
handrails—avoid moving your hands. When your
pulse is detected, your heart rate will be shown.
For the most accurate heart rate reading, con-
inue to hold the contacts for about 15 sec-
7. Turn on the fan if desired.
The fan features several
speed settings. Press
the fan increase and de-
crease buttons repeat-
edly to select a fan
speed or to turn off the
8. When you are finished exercising, remove the
key from the console.
Step onto the foot rails and press the Stop button
repeatedly until a workout summary appears on
the screen. After you view the workout summary,
press the Done button.
Then, adjust the incline of the treadmill to the
lowest setting. The incline must be at the low-
est setting when you fold the treadmill to the
storage position, or you may damage the tread-
mill. Remove the key from the console and put it in
a secure place.
When you are finished using the treadmill, press
the power switch into the off position and unplug
the power cord. IMPORTANT: If you do not do
this, the treadmillʼs electrical components may
wear prematurely.
Fan Decrease
Fan Increase