
Channel, 802.11b, 60
Coax Printer Support FMD, 275
Command list
List commands, 296
store commands, 295
TN5250, 295
TN5250 Auto Connect command, 296
Command prefixes, 306
npsh, 305
Command Shell, 305
ways to access, 51
?, 306
complete list, 307
getting help, 306
list, 335
miscellaneous, 339
set, 322
store, 307
Communcation routers, Windows, 96
administration, 85
AFP with CRTPSFCFG on V3R2, 253
alternatives, 54
control panel, 34
Encryption Key, 44
Equivalent Wireless NIC, 48
IP Address, 40
Kerberos, 89
Log Path, 71
network, 57
NIC for AIX 4, 144
Print Model, 68
Print Path, 64
PSF for IPDS on V4R2 and above, 261
PSF/400 for IPDS on V3R2, 250
PSF/400 for IPDS on V3R7 and
above, 256
Security, 89
SNMP, 77
System, 89
TN5250/3270, 73
wireless NIC, 40
Wireless Parameter, 41
Configuration checklist, MVS, 212
Configuration menu, NIC, 56
Configuration Screens, TN3270E, 289
Configuration tools, 34
Connecting to the network, 33
Control panel message, Dynamically Set
Params Read Only, 154
Control panel, configuration, 34
Credentials Information, 91
CRTLINETH, line descriptions, 229
Customer Support Center, 31
Default Key, 802.11b, 61
Define LPR printer, error, 121
Destination settings, Print Path, 64
models, 21
NIC, 21
Device Description, TN5250/3270, 75
Device Type, TN5250/3270, 76