Home Bakery
Carrot and pineapple bread
Dry ingredients
2 cups white rice
½ cup tapioca starch flour
½ cup potato starch flour
2 ½ tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp salt
¼ cup powdered milk
¼ cup sugar
1 tsp gluten-free mixed spice
1 tsp gluten-free cinnamon
Wet ingredients
1 cup finely grated carrot
½ cup crushed unsweetened pineapple (tinned) plus juice
2 large eggs at room temperature (beaten)
3 ozs melted butter or allowed margarine/oil
1 tsp cider vinegar (if allowed)
1 1/3 cups warm water (hand hot)
1 packet of dried yeast (2 ¼ tsp)
Mix all the wet ingredients together and place in the bread pan of your bread machine.
Gently mix all the dry ingredients together (except the yeast) and place on top of the
wet ingredients sprinkle the yeast on top of the dry ingredients use BASIC or RAPID
programme with your choice of crust setting.
On completion of the baking time – remove the loaf tin from your machine and leave to
cool slightly before removing the loaf. Place on a wire tray to become cold before
slicing. Freezes well.