
Metal straight edges can be helpful. For
fast, accurate cuts that are close to a panel
edge, use ripping guides for circular saws.
If you are using a circular saw, lay out one face
and then square it across the panel skins to
transfer your mark to the opposite skin before
making your cut. Use the maximum depth
of cut setting on your saw and make a nice
straight cut. Flip the panel over to layout that
side and make a similar cut.
The remaining foam between the panel skins
can be cut using a reciprocating saw, or hand
saw. When using a reciprocating saw use a
dull blade, it will follow the kerf cut in the panel,
cutting the foam without slicing the wood.
Scrape off any excess foam between the skins
with a metal straight edge such as a speed
square. Adjust your foam cutter to the depth of
the installed member. (Foam cutters will melt
foam back further than the setting, which is
just about the right tolerance to get the framing
member into the panel.) After your foam is
“scooped” out, clean the leftover foam along
the sides by placing the foam cutter parallel
with the skin. (The depth gauge can rest on
the panel edge.) Use a paint scraper or speed
square to take off any excess foam that may
inhibit lumber placement. Use Premier Mastic
as required and follow the appropriate details
outlined in this manual or the PBS detail section
of our website at: www.pbssips.com.