
page 23
Course prompt: The EFX provides 5 course selections. The first course selec-
tion to appear on the display is MANL (Manual course). Use any ▼▲ key to
change the selection. Press Enter to accept the displayed name: XTR =
CrossTraining, GLUT = Gluteal, INTV = Interval, WTLS = Weight Loss. Refer
to page 31 for more information about courses types.
Important: If you press Quick Start while a course selection is displayed, the
course begins. The Weight and Age values entered apply (so Smart Rate is
active). The course time is 30 minutes or the club limit, whichever is less.
Note: A workout time cannot be entered for the Weight Loss course. If you
choose WTLS at the Course prompt, your workout time is set at 28 minutes.
When you press Enter, the Workout Time prompt is bypassed and the course
profile appears.
Workout Time prompt: A default value of 30 minutes (or the club limit, which-
ever is less) appears. Use any ▼▲ key to change the workout time. For MANL,
XTR, and GLUT courses, the workout time may be set as low as 1 minute or
as high as the club limit. The workout time for the INTV course, may be set as
low as 6 minutes or as high as the club limit. Press Enter or Quick Start to
accept the displayed value.
The Precor products have an easy-to-use keypad that is activated by the slightest
touch. Remind users that they only need to “lightly touch” these ultra-sensitive keys.
Each key on the display console’s keypad provides specific functions. The
▼▲ keys let you enter data in answer to the display prompts and change the
incline or resistance during a workout. The standard keys, CrossRamp
Enter, Reset, Quick Start, Scan/Hold and Resistance ▼▲, let you enter data
as well as control your workout.