Chapter 9-Operator Assistance & Participant Move
Polycom, Inc. 9-15
• When moving dial-out participants who are disconnected to another conference, the
system automatically dials out to connect them to the destination conference.
• Cascaded links cannot be moved between conferences.
• Participants cannot be moved to a conference if the move will cause the number of
participants to exceed the maximum number of participants allowed for the destination
Moving Participants Options
Collaboration Server users can assist participants by performing the following operations:
• Move a participant to an Operator conference (Attend a participant).
• Move a participant to the Home (destination) conference.
• Move participant from one ongoing conference to another
A move can be performed using the following methods:
• Using the participant right-click menu
• Using drag and drop
To move a participant from the ongoing conference using the right-click menu options:
1 In the Conferences list, click the conference where there are participants waiting for
Operator’s Assistance to display the list of participants.
2 In the Participants list, right-click the icon of the participant to move and select one of
the following options:
— Move to Operator Conference - to move the participant to the Operator
— Move to Conference - to move the participant to any ongoing conference.
YES Yes No Yes
YES No Yes Yes
YES No No Yes
Table 9-3 Participant Move Capabilities vs. ALLOW_NON_
ENCRYPT_PARTY_IN_ENCRYPT_CONF flag setting (Continued)
EQ Encrypted
Move Enabled?