
Starting and Ending Meetings
1. In the directory of Halo sites at the top of the setup screen, click the desired location
. This adds the
location to your meeting diagram.
You may have to click or to find a location in a long list.
Some locations may be listed under their city names—click the city name
to see locations at that city.
TIP: If the directory of Halo sites is hidden at the top of the setup screen, click Directory .
2. If you want to include one or two additional locations in the meeting, repeat the previous step for each
location. As many as four locations may participate in a meeting.
3. In the meeting diagram on the screen, click Start to invite the locations to the meeting. The meeting starts
when a Halo location accepts the meeting invitation.
Important: If any of the invited locations include an external company, you will receive a warning and be
asked to confirm the company and the meeting location.