Administrator’s Guide Addendum for the Polycom VVX 1500 Business Media Phone
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These attributes also include:
• Camera Controls <camera/>
• Local Camera View <localCameraView/>
video.screenMode “normal”, “full”,
Null Applies to the video window shown in the normal
If set to “normal” or Null, all pixels are displayed,
black bars appear on the top, bottom, or sides of
the window, if necessary, to maintain the correct
aspect ratio.
If set to “full”, all pixels are displayed and the
image is stretched linearly and independently to fill
the video frame.
If set to “crop”, the black bars do not appear, the
image size is re-sized to maintain the correct
aspect ratio, and any parts of the image that do not
fit in the display are cropped.
video.screenModeFS “normal”, “full”,
Null Applies to the video window in Full Screen mode.
The image is re-sized to maintain the correct
aspect ratio and any parts of the image that do not
fit in the display are cropped.
video.quality “motion”,
Null Determine the quality of video shown in a call or
Use “motion” for people or other video with motion.
Use “sharpness” or Null for video with little or no
movement. Moderate to heavy motion can cause
some frames to be dropped.
video.maxCallRate 128 - 1024
Null Limits the maximum network bandwidth used in a
call. It is used in the SDP bandwidth signaling.
If honored by the far end, both Rx and Tx network
bandwidth used in a call will not exceed this value
(in kbps).
If set to Null, the value 448 is used.
video.autoFullScreen 0, 1 Null Flag to determine whether or not video calls use
the full screen layout.
If set to 1, video calls will use the full screen layout
by default. When a video call is first created (upon
discovery that far-end is video capable) or when
an audio call transitions to a video call (through
far-end transfer), the full screen layout will be
If set to 0 or Null, video calls only use the full
screen layout if it is selected by the user.
Values Default Interpretation