Spark Plugs
Using non-recommended spark plugs can result i n serious engine
damage. Always use Polaris-recommended spark plugs. Refer
to the specifications s ection beginning on page 100.
Spark Plug Gap/Torque
Model Electrode Gap New Plug Torque Used Plug Torque
4X4, 6X6
.025″ (.06 cm)
9-11 ft. lbs.
(12-15 Nm)
9-11 ft. lbs.
(12-15 Nm)
.025″ (.06 cm)
8.7-10.8 ft. lbs.
(11.8-14.6 Nm)
16.6-19.5 ft. lbs.
(22.5-26.4 Nm)
Spark plug condition is indicative of engine operation. The spark plug
firing end condition should be read after the engine is warmed up and
the vehicle is driven at higher speeds. Immediately c heck the spark
plug for correct color.
A hot exhaust system and engine can c ause serious burns. Wear
protective gloves when removing a s park plug for ins pection.
1. Normal
The normal insulator tip is gray, tan or light brown. There will be few
combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This
indicates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service.
NOTE: The tip should not be white. A white insulator tip indicates
overheating, c aused by use of an improper spark plug or
incorrect c arburetion adjustments.
2. Wet Fouled
The wet fouled insulator tip is black. A damp oil film covers the firing
end. There may be a carbon layer over the entire nose. Generally, the
electrodes are not worn. General causes o f fouling a re excessive oil,
use of non-recommended injection oil, improper use of the choke, or
incorrect carb uretion adjustments.
Spark Plug Removal and Replacement
1. Remove the s eat to access the engine compartment.
2. Remove the spark plug cap. Using the spark plug wrench provided
in the tool kit, remove the plug by rotating it counterclockwise.
3. Reverse the procedure for spark plug installation. Torque to