Operator Safety
Riding Position
Operating a snowmobile requires skill and balance for proper control.
Rider positions may vary with experience; but under most conditions,
the proper position is to be seated with both feet on the running boards
and both hands on the handlebar grips for proper throttle, brake and
steering control.
Improper riding position may reduce control and could result in
serious injury or death. Always be properly seated and in position
to control your vehicle.
Survival Preparation
For your safety, always ride in a group of other snowmobilers. Always
tell someone where you’re going and how long you expect to be gone.
If it isn’t possible to ride with others, and you must travel into remote
areas, always carry survival equipment that’s appropriate to the
conditions you may encounter. Such equipment may include, but is
not limited to: extra clothing, a sleeping bag, a flashlight, food and
water, a signaling mirror, a means of building a fire, and a two-way
radio or cellular telephone.
For added protection, carry the following items on your snowmobile at
all times:
SSpare Drive Belt SExtra Set of Spark Plugs
STow Rope SExtra Oil
SFuel Deicer SWinter Survival Kit
STrail Map SOwner’s Manual
SFirst Aid Kit STool Kit