73. Set compression adjuster to the #3 position.
Firmly grip the reservoir hose at the CD housing.
With your other hand pull back forcefully on the
IFP Depth Setting Tool (PN 2871351), until the
edge of the IFP is close to being flush with the
edge of the reservoir. Stop the IFP in this position.
As you pull forcefully on the IFP, you should feel
tension as the IFP pulls back. This step is done to
open the damp plate circuit and bleed the system.
Let the reservoir hang in this position for a
minimum of 5 minutes.
74. Hold the reservoir under the body tube with the
compression adjuster facing up. Slowly push the
IFP into the reservoir until it bottoms out. Set
compression adjuster to the #8 position.
75. Fill the body tube with oil approximately 1/2”
below the retaining ring groove. Wrap the new
piston band around the piston, making sure the
rounded edges face out. Insert the shaft
assembly into the body tube, allowing oil to
overflow. (Fig. 39) Slowly push shaft into body
until the piston assembly is approximately 1”
below the oil surface. Slowly pull shaft assembly
out of the body until the rebound ports of the shaft
are just below the oil surface. If you pull the shaft
out too far you will hear a sucking noise that
means air was pulled in, and will have to start the
bleeding process over. Add oil as necessary.
Repeat the previous steps until there are no more
bubbles rising to the oil surface.
76. Hold the shaft assembly as straight as possible
and hit the shaft eyelet a couple of times, squarely
from above, with a rubber mallet. (Fig. 40) This is
done to momentarily open the shim stack and
allow any trapped air to escape. You should see
small bubbles rise to the surface. Fill body tube
with oil until oil level is flush with edge of body
tube. Slowly pull the shaft out until the rebound
ports are just below the oil surface.
If you pull the shaft out too far you will hear a
sucking noise, meaning air was pulled in. If this
happens, you will have to start the bleeding
process over. Add oil as necessary.
77. Hold the shaft eyelet with one hand. With other
hand, slide the bearing assembly down the shaft
until contact with oil is made. Find the bleed port in
bearing assembly, and position it away from your
face and body. With one hand, very slowly push the
bearing assembly into body tube. Be sure to have a
small container in your other hand to catch the
excess oil as it flows out of the bleed port in the
bearing. Do not allow the shaft to move as you push
the bearing in until the bearing makes contact with
the piston assembly. Then, push bearing and shaft
assembly into body tube until it stops at the external
o--ring of the bearing assembly. (Fig. 41) With one
hand continue applying pressure to the bearing
assembly. With other hand, set the compression
adjustment knob to the #1 position. As you do this,
the bearing and shaft assembly should push further
into the body tube. Push the bearing and shaft
assembly into the body tube until the retaining ring
groove is exposed. (Fig. 42) Install the
wire--retaining ring, and check to make sure
retaining ring is properly seated.
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