
GEM Customer Service
Phone: 855-RIDEGEM (855-743-3436)
Web: www.gemcar.com
Roadside Assistance
Emergency Roadside Assistance is available to you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, throughout the United States
and Canada during the term of the manufacturer's warranty. This service is available through ROAD
AMERICA*. It includes towing for up to 50 miles from your vehicle’s location and other benefits. Some
limitations and exclusions apply. Please call 800-442-4690 to get more information or to request assistance.
When calling, please refer to the last 8 digits of your VIN when ROAD AMERICA asks for your contract
*All of the emergency roadside assistance services are provided by Brickell Financial Services-Motor Club, Inc. d/b/a Road America Motor Club,
administrative offices at 7300 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 601, Miami, Florida 33126. (For Mississippi and Wisconsin customers, services are
provided by Brickell Financial Services-Motor Club, Inc. For California customers, services are provided by Road America Motor Club, Inc. d/b/
a Road America Motor Club.)