Pre-Ride Inspection
If a proper inspection is not done before each use, severe injury
or death could result. Always inspect the vehicle before each use
to ensure it’s in p roper operating condition.
Pre-Ride Checklist
Item Remarks See
Brake system / lever travel Ensure proper operation 34, 71
Brake fluid Ensure proper level 35
Auxiliary b rake Ensure proper operation 72
Front suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 64
Rear suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 64
Steering Ensure free operation --
Tires Inspect condition and pressure 78
Wheels / fasteners Inspect, ensure fastener tightness 77
Frame nuts, bolts , fasteners Inspect, ensure tightness --
Fuel and oil Ensure proper levels 66
Coolant level (if applicable) Ensure proper level --
Coolant hoses (if applicable) Inspect for leaks --
Throttle Ensure proper operation 33, 73
Indicator lights / switches Ensure operation 31, 32
Engine stop switch Ensure proper operation 31
Drive chain Check condition / slack, lubricate as
79, 80
Air filter, pre-filter Inspect, clean 84
Air box sediment tube Drain deposits whenever visible --
Headlamp Check operation, apply Polaris dielec-
tric grease when lamp is replaced
Brake light / tail lamp Check operation, apply Polaris dielec-
tric grease when lamp is replaced
Riding gear Wear helmet, goggles, protective