Action: Sweep hose sprays too
much water out of the pool.
Solution: 1. Adjust the speed of the sweep
hose by tightening the
djustment screw.
2. Replace the sweep hose
scrubber if it is worn
or missing.
3. Add a sweep hose weight
(order part #B2) to keep the
sweep hose from spraying.
Action: The cleaner does not clean the
entire pool.
Solution: 1. Check the hose length
reaches within 6”
of the
arthest point of the pool.
If not, order a new hose
section from your
Polaris dealer.
2. Check thrust jet for straight
back position that optimizes
random turning.
3. While the cleaner is
operating, hold it upside down
and look into the vacuum
tube. There should be two
distinct, even jets of water.
If there are not, contact
Customer Service or a Polaris
authorized Service Center
for assistance.
Action: The cleaner is running in
les on its side.
1. Check filter bag, if full it can
weigh the cleaner down on
one side.
2. Remove the head float and
shake it. If there is water in
the float, order a ne
w one.
k the hose floats to
make sure they are
spaced e
Troubleshooting Worksheet
If these solutions do not result in
improved performance, contact the
Polaris dealer who sold you the cleaner
or call Customer Service.
In order to provide faster and more
convenient service, please have the
following information available at the
time of your call or when taking the
Polaris in for service.
Serial #:
2. Wheel RPM:__________________
3. Is the back-up valve cycling?
Yes No
4. Is the feed hose the proper
Yes No
5. Are the swivels rotating freely?
Yes No
6. How often do you clean the
filter screen in the in-line filter?
Never Once a Week
Twice a Week Once a Month
7. Are the vacuum jets obstructed?
(While the cleaner is operating, hold it upside
wn and look into the v
acuum tube
should be two distinct, even jets of water.)
Yes No
8. Is the drive train functioning?
(As you spin each wheel independently,
all the wheels should spin.)
Yes No