
Please take special note of the following precautions before operating your new amplifier:
The Plinius SA-103 Power Amplifier can be operated in mono mode delivering up to 460 watts into 8
ohms. This amplifier is also capable of a very large peak current delivery.
The Plinius SA-103 Power Amplifier operates in Class A. It is capable of generating temperatures that
could have an adverse effect on other equipment, furniture etc. DO NOT leave flammable material on
the amplifier whilst running, as this could pose a serious fire risk.
The Plinius SA-103 Power Amplifier is of direct-coupled design, and offers no protection from
preamplifiers that have a high DC component at their outputs.
This amplifier operates at hazardous voltage levels. Any work requiring removal of the lid or base of
this amplifier must be referred to a suitably qualified and experienced service technician.
DO NOT attempt to connect any input of this amplifier to it’s own outputs.
DO NOT earth any output terminal or connect any of these terminals together without following the
instructions in this manual or seeking qualified assistance.
DO NOT place this amplifier in any position where liquids or any foreign material may accidentally
enter it.
DO NOT connect any voltage source, short circuit, earth/ground or appliance (other than suitable high
fidelity loudspeakers) to the amplifier output terminals.
Some preamplifiers, processors, CD players’ etc. produce large switching pulses when switched on
causing a loud click through the loudspeakers. For this reason, turn on all other equipment in your
system before turning on your Plinius SA-103, or ensure that the amplifier is in MUTE. You will not
experience this phenomenon with Plinius Preamplifiers.