
Chapter 3 Console and Telnet Management
3.1 connect To PC by RS-232 cable
The RS-232 console port is an interface that directly connects to the PC. When the connection
between the PC and switch is ready, run the Hyper Terminal and configure its
communication parameters. The operating mode of the console port is:
Ø Baud rate: 9600
Ø Data bits: 8
Ø Parity: none
Ø Stop bits: 1
Ø Flow control: none
After finished the setting, click OK.
3.2 Telnet
To access the switch through Telnet
1. Make sure switch is configure with an IP address and switch is reachable from PC.
2. Start telnet program from PC and connect to the switch. The management interface is
exactly same with RS-232 console.