
Call waiting Settings
When you are talking with other people, You can choose If you want to hear the notice when there is a
new coming call. If the call waiting function is On, if there is a new incomeing call, you will hear the call
waiting notice in your current call. If you set the function to Off, then you will not hear any notice.
Hot line Settings
This page defines the Hot line setting in this page. When user pick up the handset, the device will call to
the specific number automatically.
Use Hot Line: Click Enable to carry the Hot line function out.
Hot line number: The hot line number, it can input the IP address or registration number.
Alarm Settings
This page defines the Alarm setting in this page. It provides the alarm function, and it can set up the
Alarm Time to get the telephone ringed up every day.
Alarm: The default is Off. If set up as On, the telephone will ringed up at the specific time.
Alarm Time: It can set up the system prompt time with 24 hours.
Current time: The next alarm time.