
PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
- 31 -
c) -priority
Parameter priority can be used to setup supported voice codec or priority in voice codecs
during capability exchange in H.323 call setup process. You may set from 1 to 5 codecs to
meet real world applications. For instance, voice priority g723 means VIP-101T supports
single voice codec (G.723.1) only. Or voice priority g723 711a g711u g729a g729 means
VIP-101T supports five codecs, and voice codec used in call capability exchange will be in
this order: g723 711a g711u g729a g729.
Syntax Description
-priority Priority preference of installed codecs.
Supported voice codec and priority order in VIP-101T: G.7231 G.729a G.729 G.711u G.711a.
d) volume
Parameter -volume can be used to adjust voice volume of H.323 calls, signal input gain
level, and DTMF volume while communicating with destination call party.
Syntax Description
-volume Specify the voice volume level, input gain, DTMF volume in VIP-101T.
voice volume level: 30, input gain: 30, DTMF volume: 27
e) nscng
Parameter nscng is used to enable or disable sound compression and comfort noise
generation in VIP-101T. This parameter is only valid for codec G.723.1. (0 for off,1 for on)
Syntax Description
-nscng VIP-101T silence suppression and CNG setting
0 (silence suppression is turned off)
f) echo
Enable -echo canceller to eliminate echo brought by environmental factors, default value is