(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Mixing Songs Mixing Songs Manually
Drag player B’s slider of the [Tempo Adjustment
Slider] while listening on your headphones to the
music from player B and synchronize the speed
of the music on players A & B.
• The indicator on the right side of player B’s BPM display
will change, as will the BPM itself. To adjust the tempo to
the max/min, click the [-] or [+] on the bottom/top of the
slider of the [Tempo Adjustment Slider].
Changing the Max Value that Tempo can be
Adjusted (Tempo Control Range)
Each time you press the [Tempo Control Range], the tempo
control range switches from [10][16][w][6][10].
Listen with the headphones to player B and
search for a playback standby position.
Clicking the [A/F] button of player B at the
playback start position pauses it.
7 8 9
10 11 12
About Tempo Adjustments
You can adjust the playback speed
(BPM) by moving the [Tempo
Adjustment Slider].
Up (-): the tempo is slowed down.
Down (+): the tempo is speeded up.
If you right click on the [Tempo
Adjustment Slider], it will be
instantaneously repositioned to the
middle of the range (±0).
When Master Tempo is ON
When the master tempo is OFF, changing
the tempo causes the key to be altered
(faster: higher pitch, slower: lower pitch),
but if you turn the master tempo ON, it
prevents changes to the tempo from
resulting in changes to the key.
Using the [TAP] button to Re-
detect the BPM
‘Using the [TAP] button to Re-detect
the BPM’ P.33
Min Amount of Tempo
This changes depending on the tempo
control range setting.
±6%: 0.02%
±10%: 0.05%
±16%: 0.05%
±100% (w): 0.5%
Changing headphone settings
‘[Headphone Monitor Control]’ P.27
Changing the Playback
Click either the waveform display or the
[Playing Address] when a player is either
playing or paused. The playback position
moves to the position you clicked.
Fine Tuning the Pause
If you turn the [Jog Dial] while the song
is paused, you can make fine
adjustments in frame units to the paused
position. (1 Frame 1/75 Sec.)
In addition, you can also click the
search buttons
] [
] to make fine