(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Other Functions Table of Functions
Mixer, Effector, Equalizer (Shared by Players A & B)
Zoom In/Out Button Expands or shrinks the waveform display by one increment.
ZOOM Button [ZOOM]: Displays Part of the Waveform / [FULL]: Displays the Entire Waveform
Headphone Button Turns the monitor of the selected source ON/OFF (Mutes) via the headphone cue.
If you right click, it displays the [HEADPHONES] screen.
In addition, if you click it while monitoring the list player with your headphones, you
can switch to monitoring the selected source with headphone cues.
Headphone Volume
Adjusts the volume for the headphones. If you right click, it becomes positioned in the
middle of its range.
Headphone Volume
Level +/- Buttons
Increases & decreases headphone volume.
AUTO Button
Toggles the Auto Trim function ON or OFF. (Automatically adjusts the Trim to the
average level of the opposite channel.)
Adjusts the volume input from the player to the master. If you right click, it becomes
positioned in the middle of its range.
Trim +/- Buttons
Increases & decreases the volume input from the player to the master.
Equalizer Button
Toggles the equalizer function ON or OFF. If you right click, it displays the [EQ
(Equalizer)] screen.
Headphone Cue Button
Player A
Player B
Select the source to monitor on your headphones.
Auto Fader Button
Starts the Auto Fader (moves the channel fader up/down.) Clicking it while the Auto
Fader is operating stops the Auto Fader. If you right click, the menu screen for
specifying the beat opens.
Channel fader
Adjusts the volume of the player (A/B). If you right click, it becomes positioned in the
middle of its range.
Volume +/- Button
Increases & decreases player (A/B) volume.
Fader Start Button
Switches the Fader Start settings.
Mix Mode Button Switches the Mix Mode. (4 Curves)
If you right click, the menu screen for specifying the beat opens.
Fader Curve Button Switches the Fader Curve. (3 Curves)
Beat Indicator
Displays the automatically detected beat through four round blinking indicators. The
indicator on the furthest left-hand side lights up with the starting beat. Green is Player
A and blue is Player B.
Beat Adjust Button The beat indicator on the furthest left-hand side functions as a [Beat Adjust] button.
The timing with which you click it is re-displayed in the [Beat Indicator] as the
starting beat.
Effect Button Displays the menu for switching effects. If you right click, it displays the [EFFECT]
Effects Level/Depth Adjusts the volume of effects. If you right click, it becomes positioned in the middle
of its range.