Communication Format
Command 1, along with command 2, is a number used to distinguish each
When making it operate using ID, bit1 and bit0 are set up as follows.
Bit1,Bit0 Unit ID distinction bit
11B :Usually, a form (with no ID)
10B :Usually, a form (with no ID)
01B :Set ID
00B :Video wall ID
In the case of ACK, when the lower order 4 bits is FH (as in 3FH and
7FH), this indicates that the commands and data of the supported
equipment have been received. When the lower order 4 bits is BH (as in
3BH and 7BH), this indicates that unsupported commands and data
have been received.
Unit ID1,2 (UA1,UA2)
Unit ID 1 and unit ID 2 are numbers used to identify the equipment
that is to be connected.
60H is used for the plasma monitor and 80H is used for external control
equipment such as a personal computer.
Command 1
Unit ID 1
Unit ID 2
Command 2
Data length
Check sum