
PIB # 190109
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. (310) 952-2000 Released: July 21, 2006
Select the VOB file to be Exported
Follow the instructions below to select and prepare a video clip for exportation as a VOB file.
1) Press the Function button on the PRV-LX1’s front panel to access the menu.
2) Select a project already recorded on the PRV-LX1’s HDD.
Before continuing, if you are unfamiliar with projects please read the Operating
Instructions, section entitled,
Video Clip Management and Disc Authoring.
3) Select Project from the Edit submenu.
4) Highlight the Export command.
5) Select the Clip option to view a list of available clips from the selected project.
6) Choose a clip from the scrollable list and press Enter.
7) Highlight VOB Name from the Export submenu.
The “VOB Name” command provides the default file name “exptxxx” each time the
command is executed. The number “xxx” automatically increments.
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