Problems during DVD playback
Symptom Cause Action (See)
Playback is notpossible. The loadeddisc has a differentre-
gion number from this unit.
Replace the disc withone featuring the same
region number as this unit.(Page 5, Page 93)
A parental lock message is dis-
played and playbackis not pos-
Parental lock is on. Turn parental lock offor change thelevel.
(Page 48)
Parental lock cannot becan-
The code number isincorrect. Input the correct code number. (Page 48)
You have forgotten yourcode num-
Press CLEAR10 times tocancel the code
number. (Page 49)
Dialog language (andsubtitle
language) cannot beswitched.
The DVD playingdoes not feature
multiple language recordings.
You cannot switch amongmultiple languages
if they arenot recorded on thedisc.
You can only switch between items
indicated in thedisc menu.
Switch using the disc menu.
No subtitles aredisplayed. The DVD playingdoes not feature
Subtitles are notdisplayed if they arenot re-
corded on thedisc.
You can only switch between items
indicated in thedisc menu.
Switch using the disc menu.
Playback is notwith the audio
language and subtitle language
settings selected inSET-UP
The DVD playingdoes not feature
dialog or subtitlesin the language
selected in SET-UP MENU.
Switching to aselected language is notpossi-
ble if the language selectedin SET-UP MENU
is not recorded on the disc.
Playback is notwith the audio
language and subtitle language
settings selected inthe DVD
setup menu.
The DVD playingdoes not feature
dialog or subtitlesin the language
selected in theDVD setup menu.
Switching to aselected language is notpossi-
ble if the language selected in the DVDsetup
menu is notrecorded on thedisc. (Page 46)
Switching the viewingangle is
not possible.
The DVD playingdoes not feature
scenes shot frommultiple angles.
You cannot switch between multiple anglesif
the DVD doesnot feature scenesrecorded
from multiple angles.
You are trying to switch to multiple
angle viewing of a scene thatis not
recorded from multipleangles.
Switch between multipleangles when watch-
ing scenes recorded from multiple angles.
The picture isextremely unclear/
distorted and darkduring play-
The disc featuresa signal toprohibit
copying. (Some discsmay have
Since this unitis compatible with thecopy
guard analog copy protect system,when play-
ing a discthat has asignal prohibiting copy-
ing, the picture may suffer from horizontal
stripes or otherimperfections when viewed
on some displays.This does not meanthis
unit is malfunctioning.
Problems during Video CD playback
Symptom Cause Action
The PBC (playback control)
menu display cannotbe called
The VideoCD playing does notfea-
ture PBC.
This operation is not possible withVideo CDs
not featuring PBC.
Repeat playand track/time
search are notpossible.
The VideoCD playing features PBC. This operation is not possible withVideo CDs
featuring PBC.
Additional Information