! The center speaker largely determines the
sound image and getting the balance right
isn’t easy. We recommend reproducing a 2-
ch. audio (a CD for example) and getting
the balance right among the speakers ex-
cept for the center, and then reproducing a
5.1-ch. audio (Dolby Digital or DTS) and ad-
justing the center speaker output to the
balance you have already got among the
other speakers.
1 Use MULTI-CONTROL to select PEQ (3-
band parametric equalizer) in the audio
function menu.
Refer to Introduction of DSP adjustments on
page 52.
# Adjusted PEQ settings are memorized in
CUSTOM1 in the audio function menu.
2 Press c or d to select the desired item.
(bands)—F LOW: 80 (center frequency)—
F LOW: 0 (equalizer level)—LOW 0:WID (Q
3 Press d to select the speakers setting
and then a or b to select the speaker to be
FRONT (front speakers)—CENTER (center
speaker)—REAR (rear speakers)
# You cannot select speakers whose size is set
to OFF. (Refer to Setting the speaker setting on
page 58.)
4 Press d to select the band setting and
then press a or b to select the equalizer
band to be adjusted.
LOW (low)—MID (mid)—HI (high)
5 Press d to select the center frequency
setting and then press a or b to select the
center frequency of selected band.
—6.3K—8K—10K—12K (Hz)
6 Press d to select the equalizer level set-
ting and then press a or b to adjust the
equalizer level.
+6 to –6 is displayed as the level is increased
or decreased.
7 Press d to select the Q factor setting
and then press a or b to select the desired
Q factor.
WID (wide)—NAR (narrow)
# You can adjust parameters for each band of
the other speakers in the same way.
8 Press BAND/ESC to return to the ordin-
ary display.
You can select a center frequency for each band.
You can change the center frequency in 1/3-oc-
tave steps, but you cannot select frequencies that
have intervals shorterthan 1 octave among the
center frequencies of the three bands.
Available accessories