Advanced Setup Menu (Settings for Commercial Use) 06
Advanced Setup Menu (Settings for Commercial Use)
To set power ON/OFF twice or more
on the same weekday
By changing the weekday setting, it is possible to cycle the
power ON/OFF multiple times in a single day. With the [ON]
time input flashing, press the | button to make the week-
day flash. Then use the », « buttons to change the weekday
When the following kind of setting is made, the power turns
ON at 7:30 on Sunday, playback starts from chapter 1 of title
1, and then power turns OFF at 12:00. Then at 13:00 power
turns ON again, and chapter 1 of next title 2 is played, after
which the power turns OFF at 17:30.
Using this kind of procedure, it is possible to set up to 24 ON/
OFF times in a single weekday.
Setting the same ON/OFF times
Setting the weekday to [ALL] results in the same ON/OFF
times being allocated for every day of the week.
In the case shown below, the power is set to turn ON each
day at 7:30, play chapter 1 of title 1, then turn off at 17:30.
In addition, given the above settings, if you wish for the power
to remain off only on Sunday, set the Sunday [OFF] time to
the same time as the [ON] time set under [ALL]. In this case,
do not set any value in the Sunday [ON] time.
As an example, with the following settings, the power re-
mains OFF on Sundays, while on other weekdays it turns ON
at 7:30 and playback starts from chapter 1 of title 1, then
power turns OFF at 17:30.
Date change with ON and OFF times
With the following settings, power turns on at 23:00 on Mon-
day night, and turns OFF at 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning.
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