11 Additional information
Computer Control Functions
Serial Control
The player and computer are based upon the
RS-232C protocol and connect through the TxD,
RxD, DTR and GND terminals.
Extend Terminal
Control the player with the Extend Terminal
External Power Control
Control the player’s power with the Power Pin
within the Interface Connector.
If the player detects a high signal throughput (100
msec or more) during the Standby mode, the
player powers ON. If the player detects the same
signal during the Power ON mode, the player
powers OFF and switches to the Standby mode.
The specifications for the Power pin are as
Maximum Input Voltage
High Level Signal
Low level Signal
Less Than 12 V
More Than 4.5 V
Less Than 0.5 V
Standby mode Power ON
more Than
100 msec
Power ON mode
Power OFF
more Than
100 msec
Serial Control
The signal interface is a standard RS-232C
Data Type
Data Length: 8 bit
Stop Bit: 1 bit
Parity bit: No Parity
Data Transfer Speed (Baud Rate)
The data transfer speed may be set to
either 19200 or 9600 bps through the
ADV. SETUP menu (see page 42).
The factory default is 19200 bps.
Communication with a Computer
The DVD-V5000 communicates to the computer
through the RS-232C port using pins 2 and 3 for
communication and Pin 1 on the 15-pin D-sub
connector or Pin 5 on the 9-pin D-sub connector
for grounding. Control or “handshaking” lines
other than the TxD and RxD connections are not
required. Please refer to the diagram below for
Computer DVD-V5000
Some computers require the CTS port to be set
to HIGH during communication. It is best to
connect the CTS and DSR port on the computer
to the DTR port on the player. During normal
operation the player’s DTR is set to HIGH thus
the unit is able to receive a command at any
Command and Status
During normal operation when a computer
transmits commands to a DVD-V5000, the player
responds with the status message, “execution
(1) “Search to Frame 1000” (2) Search Execution
(3) Complete
(4) “Play to Frame 2000” (5) Play Execution
(6) Complete
10SE 20PL<CR> : Search to Chapter 10
then play to 20
The command string enters the buffer with the
first character and continues sequentially from
left to right. When <CR> is entered, the
commands are executed sequentially beginning
with the first command in the buffer. In the
example above, the first command is 10SE.