Area code list
Enter the appropriate code number for the in-
itial setting Area Code (See the page 26).
Area and the code Area and the code Area and the code Area and the code
Afghanistan AF Ethiopia ET Malaysia MY Saudi Arabia SA
Argentina AR Fiji FJ Maldives MV Senegal SN
Australia AU Finland FI Mexico MX Singapore SG
Austria AT France FR Monaco MC Slovak Republic SK
Belgium BE Germany DE Mongolia MN Slovenia SI
Bhutan BT Great Britain GB Morocco MA South Africa ZA
Bolivia BO Greece GR Nepal NP South Korea KR
Brazil BR Greenland GL Netherlands NL Spain ES
Cambodia KH
Heard and McDonald Is-
lands HM
Netherlands Antilles AN Sri Lanka LK
Canada CA Hong Kong HK NewZealand NZ Sweden SE
Chile CL Hungary HU Nigeria NG Switzerland CH
China CN IndiaIN Norway NO Taiwan TW
Colombia CO Indonesia ID Oman OM Thailand TH
Congo CG Israel IL Pakistan PK Turkey TR
Costa Rica CR Italy IT Panama PA Uganda UG
Croatia HR Jamaica JM Paraguay PY Ukraine UA
Czech Republic CZ Japan JP Philippines PH United States US
Denmark DK Kenya KE Poland PL Uruguay UY
Ecuador EC Kuwait KW Portugal PT Uzbekistan UZ
Egypt EG Libya LY Romania RO Vietnam VN
El Salvador SV Luxembourg LU Russian Federation RU Zimbabwe ZW
Additional Information