• If you have a Dolby Pro-Logic Home Theater system, make sure that your receiver’s center
channel mode is in the NORMAL position. This will ensure that all low bass information is sent to
your subwoofer.
• If you have a Dolby Digital or DTS Home Theater system, make sure that you have correctly
configured your receiver's Bass Management System so that all of your speakers are properly
categorized as either SMALL or LARGE. This will ensure that all appropriate low bass
information is sent to your subwoofer. As a general rule, a speaker with an 8" or greater
diameter woofer may be considered LARGE. Conversely, a speaker with a woofer less than 8" in
diameter may be considered SMALL. Please note that the bass output of a dual woofer speaker
could be comparable to that of a larger single woofer speaker. Example: A dual 6.5" woofer
system would generally be considered LARGE since its woofer area approximates that of a
single 10" woofer system.
• With high volume levels of certain types of signals, your subwoofer may be audibly strained. If
you hear the subwoofer “breaking-up” or distorting, turn down the volume level.
• If you have any problems or questions, please contact your PINNACLE
dealer for further assistance.
No Sound only from Subwoofer - Check the subwoofer's volume setting and all connections. If your
receiver has a subwoofer on/off or variable subwoofer output level control, ensure that the subwoofer
option it is turned on and that the output level is at maximum. Ensure that the center channel mode on the
receiver is in the NORMAL or SMALL position. Make sure that the subwoofer's RCA cable is connected to
the receiver's subwoofer output and not the subwoofer input jack. In the event that the problem persists,
refer to the TO OBTAIN SERVICE section of your warranty at the end of this manual.
No Sound only from Left and Right Front Speakers - Check all connections. Ensure that your receiver’s
speaker channel A or B is switched on.
Too Little Bass - Check: subwoofer volume/frequency/phase control positions; receiver tone controls;
program material; ensure that the center channel mode on the receiver is in the NORMAL or SMALL
position. If your receiver has a variable subwoofer output level control, ensure that the output level is at
maximum. Try moving the subwoofer further into a corner or towards the wall.
Too Much Bass - Check: subwoofer volume/frequency/phase control positions; receiver bass/loudness
controls; program material; move subwoofer further out of corner or away from wall.