© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 120 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
If the Configuration Write Protect bit (CWP) in BOOTSTAT.6 is a logic 1, writes to the
configuration bytes are disabled. If the Configuration Write Protect bit (CWP) is a logic 0,
writes to the configuration bytes are enabled. The CWP bit is set by programming the
BOOTSTAT register. This bit is cleared by using the Clear Configuration Protection (CCP)
command in IAP or ISP.
The Clear Configuration Protection command can be disabled in ISP or IAP mode by
programming the Disable Clear Configuration Protection bit (DCCP) in BOOTSTAT.7 to a
logic 1. When DCCP is set, the CCP command may still be used in ICP or parallel
programming modes. This bit is cleared by writing the Clear Configuration Protection
(CCP) command in either ICP or parallel programming modes.
18.16 IAP error status
It is not possible to use the Flash memory as the source of program instructions while
programming or erasing this same Flash memory. During an IAP erase, program, or CRC
the CPU enters a program-idle state. The CPU will remain in this program-idle state until
the erase, program, or CRC cycle is completed. These cycles are self timed. When the
cycle is completed, code execution resumes. If an interrupt occurs during an erase,
programming or CRC cycle, the erase, programming, or CRC cycle will be aborted so that
the Flash memory can be used as the source of instructions to service the interrupt. An
IAP error condition will be flagged by setting the carry flag and status information
returned. The status information returned is shown in Table 98
. If the application permits
interrupts during erasing, programming, or CRC cycles, the user code should check the
carry flag after each erase, programming, or CRC operation to see if an error occurred. If
the operation was aborted, the user’s code will need to repeat the operation.
Table 98: IAP error status
Bit Flag Description
0 OI Operation Interrupted. Indicates that an operation was aborted due to an interrupt occurring during a
program or erase cycle.
1 SV Security Violation. Set if program or erase operation fails due to security settings. Cycle is aborted. Memory
contents are unchanged. CRC output is invalid.
2 HVE High Voltage Error. Set if error detected in high voltage generation circuits. Cycle is aborted. Memory
contents may be corrupted.
3 VE Verify error. Set during IAP programming of user code if the contents of the programmed address does not
agree with the intended programmed value. IAP uses the MOVC instruction to perform this verify. Attempts
to program user code that is MOVC protected can be programmed but will generate this error after the
programming cycle has been completed.
4 to 7 - unused; reads as a logic 0