
4] BER measurement:-
- Ask distant station loop on 140 Mb or STM-1 which is installed.
- Carry out BER Test as usual for 0 and ± 15/20 PPM.
- Take out printout for each channel/PPM ,
- Limit: - 1x 10 E
5] i
Carr on channels for the following
Filters as HP-1+LP & HP-2 +LP.
± 15 or 20 PPM
t 0 PPM, note down the ber
8] Check of ORDER WIRE:-
Feed -3.5 dBm tone at various frequencies in O/W Tx pin point and measure at O/W
Rx in point at other station , check O/W response 0.3 KHz to 3.5 KHz
Limit :- ± 2 dBm.
- Measure idle channel no ,
- Check O/W availability of O/W in the absence of data ,
- for signaling and speech by dialing all stations order wire
9] Protection Switching: - Protection switching may be carried out as per test schedule
held terminal (BITE) is provided with system
e to be checked as per sheet.
monitoring :- Trans , Receive power ,
are to be monitored with PC.
g test: - Arrange 2 Mb loops from distant station and check
J tter measurement :- ( as mentioned in OFC systems Pl)
y out I/P Jitter test for both Main and Protecti
uencies: - 200 Hz, 500 Hz, 10 KHz, 3500 KHz, and note down the results in UIPP.
O/P Jitter: - Select
F r Limits pl see the table.
6] AIS measurement:-
Measure AIS frequency by frequency counter when there is no data input at other
end. Limit: -
7] BER performance at different Receive RF level:-
Arrange Microwave variable attenuator; connect it in RF Receive path. Check BER
performance at various levels e.g. -40, -65, -70, -75 dBm a
along with AGC voltage in each case.
Check O/W nos.
under various conditions.
10] Monitoring with BITE: - If Hand
then Tx , Rx power and other 10 to 12 parameters ar
11] Remote Supervision on PC, in service
Alarms like RF IF , DEMOD, X-PIC Tx power
12] Way side droppin
BER for 0 and ± 50 PPM. The result should be no Error.