Chapter 3 Modes, Features, and Alarms
Sigh Feature
The sigh feature is available for Volume ventilation modes only.
When the sigh feature is enabled, the ventilator delivers a sigh breath
in place of every 100th mandatory or assisted breath delivered
regardless of the mode of operation (i.e., AC, CV, and SIMV). The Sigh
breath is delivered using a volume equal to 150% of the set volume
that was in eect when the breath was initiated.
Dual Prescription Feature
The device provides a dual prescription feature that allows you
to enter a primary prescription and a secondary prescription for
the patient if needed. For example, you can set a primary daytime
prescription and secondary nighttime prescription. See Chapter 5 for
more information on the dual prescription feature.
Example of Sigh Feature
Note: Both prescriptions must
use the same circuit type.