1998 July 30
Philips Semiconductors Objective Specification, Revision 2.2
Pre-Amplifier for Hard Disk Drive with
MR-Read / Inductive Write Heads
3 Reader Bandwith
HFZ3, HFZ2, HFZ1, HFZ0 = high frequency gain boost/ differentiator control
( Note 3 )
LFP1, LFP0 = low frequency pole.
(0,0) =1 MHz
(0,1) =2 MHz
(1,0) =3 MHz
(1,1) =4 MHz
4 Writer Bias Register IW4, IW3, IW2, IW1, IW0 = 5 bits to define Iwr current :
Iwr = 10mA + 1.3mA*(IW0+2*IW1+4*IW2+8*IW3+16*IW4)
WCP2...WCP1 = 3 bits for the write current overshoot
(Note 4)
5 Thermal Asperity
TRANGE = if HIGH, the TA detector range is shifted up 3.17mV
TAD = if HIGH, the TA detection circuits are enabled
TAC = if HIGH, the TA Compression circuits are enabled
TAD4..TAD0 = 5 bits for TAD threshold programmation (referred to the input)
Vth(mV) = 0.390
+ 3.170*TRANGE
+ 0.177*(TAD0 + 2*TAD1 + 4*TAD2+ 8*TAD3 + 16*TAD4)
(Note 5)
6 Vendor Register VEND7...VEND0 = 8 bits for identification (read back only bits)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 = rev1
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 = rev2
7 Fault Management
FLT2...FLT0 = 3 bits to set the reporting of a fault condition :
000 = report all fault detected
001 = Disable low supply fault
010 = Disable temperature too high fault
011 = Disable write head open/short fault
100 = Disable write data frequency too low fault
101 = disable MR power too high fault
110 = Disable TA Detected fault
111 = Disable all faults
FCOD3...FCOD0 = 4 bits for encoding the fault conditions (read back only bits)
( Note 7 )