2 Upgrade to a high performingT12 lamp
Upgrade your T12s to one of
Philips enhanced performance
T12s to save money and help
the environment.
Good:PhilipsT12 Long Life
These cool white lamps provide 20% more life
on average than standardT12 lamps
, reducing
maintenance and recycling costs.With a 24,000 hour
rated average life
, these lamps are ideal for places
where maintenance costs are expensive and changing
a lamp can cause disruptions.
Better: Philips 800 SeriesT12
These lamps provide high color rendering (82 CRI).
Their approximate initial lumens range from 2800 (34W)
to 3200 (40W), making them ideal for applications
requiring maximum continuous light output such as in
offices, industry, healthcare, schools and retail.
Best: PhilipsAdvantageT12
These high performance lamps are ideal for applications
where high lumens, long life and high CRI are required.
The AdvantageT12 lamps provide high initial lumens:
3100 (34W) to 3600 (40W); a 24,000 hours rated
average life
; and 85 CRI.
1) When compared to aPhilips standard 4'T12 34Wlamp with 20,000hours rated
average life(3 hours per start) with 2650 lumens and62 CRI.
2) Average lifeunder specified test conditions withlamps turned off and restarted
no more frequently than once every 3operating hours.
*TheTCLP is theUS EPA’sToxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
Seewhat’s possible w
The benefits of ALTO
LampTechnology combines low
mercury with long life and energy efficiency—
which together help achieve sustainability.
Low Mercury: PhilipsT12 fluorescent lamps
featuring ALTO LampTechnology average
70% less mercury than the 2001 industry
average for fluorescent lamps up to sixty
inches which are notTCLP
Source reduction during the manufacturing
phase is essential to mercury management
throughout the product lifecycle.
ALTO lamps use 100% recycled mercury
during theALTO manufacturing process.
Philips also reuses as much glass and packaging
materials as possible. Philips has target
reductions in packaging and production
processes as outlined in the Annual Philips
Sustainability Report.