Settings 15
PLCYC LED Luminaires
Installation & User’s Manual
Protected Presets are also Factory Calibrated, and by default are Protected from changes to their Colour Mix. Their
Intensity can be changed. Protected Presets are Presets 5-25. They can be Un-Protected by setting "Protected" to
"No"; see section on Settings. If Un-Protected these presets function like User Presets.
The Factory Calibrated values for the protected presets can be re-loaded to the original factory calibration settings by
setting "Load Factory" to "Yes" "; see section on Settings.
User Presets can have their Colour Mix and Intensity changed without restriction.
Note: If the Colour Mix of a Factory Calibrated Preset is changed, by turning protection Off, an '*' is appended to the
end of the Preset's Name to indicate that the Calibrated values have been changed.
Editing Preset Names
On the Edit Preset screen, the option is available to edit the name of a preset, via Screen button. However, the names
of Presets 0-4 cannot be edited.
Use the [LEFT ARROW] and [RIGHT ARROW] keys to select the character to be changed and use the [UP
ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] keys to change that character. The Character Scroll order is A-Z, space, 0-9. If you
are scrolling up the Alpha character displays as Upper Case; if you are scrolling down the Alpha character displays as
Lower Case. Stop on the character you want, ignoring case, then press the opposite [UP ARROW] or [DOWN
ARROW] key if you want to change the case. [OK] to save changes, [ESC] to cancel changes.
5. Settings
The following Parameters can be changed on the Settings Screen.
The first column "Security Level" is the minimum security level you have to be at before the line is displayed for
editing in the Settings screen.
To edit a value on the Setting Screen, use the [UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW] keys to move the highlight to the
settings value you wish to change. Press [OK] to begin editing that value. Use the [UP ARROW], [DOWN
ARROW], [LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] keys to make changes to the value. Press [OK] when complete to
save changes, or [ESC] to cancel changes to that value.
When done making changes on the Settings Screen press [ESC] to re-boot fixture and implement changes. Fixture
will not re-boot if nothing was changed.
Setting Options & Descriptions
Security Level Parameter Values Default Description
4-Digits (0 to 9) ****
There are 4 levels of security, this allows
you to change the level while in the
Settings Screen.
3 Level 1 PIN 4-Digits (0 to 9) 1111 Sets Level 1 PassPIN
3 Level 2 PIN 4-Digits (0 to 9) 2222 Sets Level 2 PassPIN
3 Level 3 PIN 4-Digits (0 to 9) 3333 Sets Level 3 PassPIN
3 Power-Up 1 - 3 or Locked 3
Security Level after Power-Up, if not
Locked (Level 0)