
Philips Semiconductors Product data sheet
3.3 V or 5.0 V Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
2004 Oct 21
OPR Output Port Register
The output pins (OP pins) drive the compliment of the data in this register as controlled by SOPR and ROPR.
Bit 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0
N/A OP 7 OP 6 OP 5 OP 4 OP 3 OP 2 OP 1 OP 0
N/A 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High 0 = Pin High
1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low 1 = Pin Low
ACR Auxiliary Control Register
Addr Bit 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0
Counter Timer Mode
Mode and clock sour select
Delta IP3 int
Delta IP3 int
Delta IP3 int
Delta IP3 int
0x04 0 = set 1 See table 7 0 = off 0 = off 0 = off 0 = off
1 = set 2 1 = enabled 1 = enabled 1 = enabled 1 = enabled
ACR—Auxiliary Control Register
ACR[7]—Baud Rate Generator Set Select
This bit selects one of two sets of baud rates to be generated by the
BRG (see Table 5).
The selected set of rates is available for use by the receiver and
transmitter as described in CSR. Baud rate generator characteristics
are given in Table 6.
ACR[6:4]—Counter/Timer Mode And Clock Source Select
This field selects the operating mode of the counter/timer and its
clock source as shown in Table 7
ACR[3:0]—IP3, IP2, IP1, IP0 Change-of-State Interrupt Enable
This field selects which bits of the input port change register (IPCR)
cause the input change bit in the interrupt status register (ISR [7]) to
be set. If a bit is in the ‘on’ state the setting of the corresponding bit
in the IPCR will also result in the setting of ISR [7], which results in
the generation of an interrupt output if IMR [7] = 1. If a bit is in the
‘off’ state, the setting of that bit in the IPCR has no effect on ISR [7].
Table 7. ACR 6:4 field definition
000 Counter External (IP2)
001 Counter TxC – 1X clock of transmitter
010 reserved
011 Counter Crystal or X1/CLK clock divided by 16
100 Timer External (IP2)
101 Timer External (IP2) divided by 16
110 Timer Crystal or external clock (X1/CLK)
111 Timer Crystal or external clock (X1/CLK) divided
by 16
1. The timer mode generates a square wave
IPCR Input Port change Register
Addr Bit 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0
IPCR Delta IP3 Delta IP3 Delta IP3 Delta IP3 IP 3 IP 2 IP 1 IP 0
0x04 0 = no change 0 = no change 0 = no change 0 = no change 0 = low 0 = low 0 = low 0 = low
1 = change 1 = change 1 = change 1 = change 1 = High 1 = High 1 = High 1 = High
IPCR[7:4]—IP3, IP2, IP1, IP0 Change-of-State
These bits are set when a change-of-state, as defined in the input
port section of this data sheet, occurs at the respective input pins.
They are cleared when the IPCR is read by the CPU. A read of the
IPCR also clears ISR [7], the input change bit in the interrupt status
register. The setting of these bits can be programmed to generate
an interrupt to the CPU.
IPCR[3:0]—IP3, IP2, IP1, IP0 Change-of-State
These bits provide the current state of the respective inputs. The
information is unlatched and reflects the state of the input pins at the
time the IPCR is read.