SSaaffeettyy aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee
TTaakkee ccaarree wwhheenn uussiinngg hheeaaddpphhoonneess
HHeeaarriinngg ssaaffeettyy
Listen at a moderate volume. Using headphones at high volume can impair your hearing.
TTrraaffffiicc ssaaffeettyy::
Do not use headphones while driving or cycling as you may cause an accident.
TTaakkee ccaarree wwhheenn uussiinngg ssttrroobbee lliigghhtt
Do not look directly into the strobe light for prolonged period as this may cause
damage to your eyes.
GGeenneerraall mmaaiinntteennaannccee
TToo aavvooiidd ddaammaaggee oorr mmaallffuunnccttiioonn::
– Do not expose to excessive heat caused by heating equipment or direct sunlight.
– Do not drop your player or allow objects to fall on your player.
– Do not allow your player to be submersed in water. Do not expose earphone socket or
battery compartment to water as water entering the set may cause major damage.
– Do not use any cleaning agents containing alcohol, ammonia, benzene, or abrasives as
these may harm the set.
– Active mobile phones in the vicinity may cause interference.
UUssiinngg DDMMMM
Avoid the risk of corrupting and losing data with the following precautions when using DMM:
– Never disconnect the USB cable while file transfer is in progress.
– Never close DMM while file transfer is in progress.
– Operate using one file management system only. When transferring files, do not attempt to
transfer files via Windows Explorer whilst waiting for transfer to complete on DMM.
– Do not delete any track via Windows Explorer when file transfer is active in DMM.
If you wish to delete a file, please only do so from either DMM or from Windows Explorer after file
transfer completes.
UUssiinngg tthhee ppoowweerr aaddaapptteerr // cchhaarrggeerr
– Use only the power adapter that came with your player. Adapters for other electronic
devices may look similar, but they may damage your player.
– The only way to shut off power completely to your power adapter/charger is to disconnect
it from the power source.
– Always leave space around your power adapter. Do not use this equipment in a location
where airflow around the power adapter is confined, such as a bookcase.
– When connecting or disconnecting your power adapter, always hold the power adapter by
its sides. Keep fingers away from the metal part of the plug.
– The power adapter for your player is a high-voltage component and should not be opened
for any reason, even when your player is off.
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
We have reduced the packaging to its minimum and made it easy to separate into
materials: cardboard, PS, PE, PET.
Your set consists of material which can be recycled if disassembled by a specialized company
Please observe the local regulations to dispose of packaging, exhausted
batteries and old equipment.
PSA260-eng.qxd 7/8/04 2:48 PM Page 40