Configuring the Monitor Using a PC
30 Chapter 4 Configuring the Monitor
Installing the
Before you install the program, ensure that the serial port COM1 is set up as follows:
Transmission Rate 9600 BPS
Parity None
Word length (bits) 8
Stop-bits 1
This is done by giving the mode command (
mode com1:96,N,8,1) at the DOS
prompt. Refer to your MS-DOS Manual for details.
To install the program:
1. Switch on the PC.
2. Create a directory for the program files. For example, to create a directory called
service, at the DOS prompt type in:
md service
and press Enter.
3. Insert the program disk into drive A.
4. At the DOS prompt type
A: and press Enter.
5. At the A: prompt, type:
copy pegserv.exe c:\service
and press Enter. Where service is the directory you created to contain the
program files.
The program is copied to
Make sure that the serial interface configuration on the PC is set up as follows:
Parameter Serial
Transmission Rate (BPS)9600
Word Length (bits) 8
Stop-Bits 1
Parity None
%ON /%OFF Pacing Off
CTS Line Regard
DSR Line Regard
DCD Line Ignore
Power to Interface Off