Entering, Storing, and Transmitting Data
Appendix A Modem Interface Module 159
Entering, Storing, and Transmitting Data
Actions associated with the storage and transmission of fetal trace information are initiated
by using a barcode reader. Use the reader for:
Entering the receiver phone number.
Entering the patient phone number.
Entering the patient ID.
Clearing stored fetal trace data.
Starting storage of the patient’s fetal trace.
Displaying the amount of minutes of fetal trace data stored in the memory.
Transmitting stored data.
Stopping the storage and transmission of data.
You must enter the receiver phone number. You should also enter at least either the patient
phone number, or the patient ID.
The Receiver Phone: provides a destination (receiver location) for the modem to
transmit its fetal trace data to. If the receiver telephone number doesn’t change, this
information needs to be entered only once.
The Patient Phone: aids in the correct assignment of the transmitted fetal data to the
patient’s file. It also enables the receiver to phone the patient’s location and provide or
request information. This information must be updated for each new patient. It is not
essential, but highly recommended.
The Patient ID: aids in the correct assignment of the transmitted fetal data to a
patient’s file by giving each patient a unique (alphanumeric) identity code. This
information must be updated for each new patient.
Once this information has been entered successfully, the storage and transmission of fetal
trace data can take place.
Note— All the barcodes you need to use this remote monitoring facility are on the
sheet of barcodes supplied with the modem interface module. The sheet has
two sides, one side is called Patient Identification, the other is called
Entering Telephone Numbers. This sheet is NOT part of the Series 50 Fetal
Monitors Nursing/Midwife Notes package.