Energy Saving Light 98 Energy Saving Light
Energy Saver GU24 Twister
Philips compact fluorescent energy saving GU24 twisters feature a twist
and lock connection with 2 pins for energy efficient replacement.
Ideal for…
•Table/Floor Lamps
•Wall Sconces
• Surface Mounts
• Reading Lamps
• Recessed Fixtures
• Open Hanging Fixtures
• Ceiling Fans
Std.Incandescent Equivalent
Energy Saver vs.Incandescent
*Basedonanaveragedailyusage of3–4hoursperday, 7daysperweek.
** Based on wattage saved (77W) xreplacement lamp rated average life (10,000 hours) dividedby
1000 xkWh rate (.10) = $77 saved.
1)Approximate initial lumens.Thelamplumenoutput isbaseduponlampperformanceafter100hours
ofoperating lifeunderstandardlaboratory conditions.
2)Average lifeunderspecifiedtestconditionswith lampsturnedoff andrestartedno morefrequentlythanonce
every3operating hours. Usein recessedcansorenclosed indoorfixturescouldresultinreduced lamplife.
3)Ratedaveragelifeisthelength ofoperation (inhours) atwhichpointan average of50%ofa largesample of
lampswillstillbe operationaland 50%willnot.
WARNINGSANDCAUTIONS:Donotusewithdimmers. Someelectronictimerand photosensorswitches
containdimmingcircuitry, sobeforeusingsuch aswitch, checkwithit’smanufacturertoensurecompatibilitywith
electronicCFLbulbs. Donotuse withemergencyexit fixturesorlights. Outdooruserequiresa weather-protected
fixture.Turnoff power beforechanging bulb.Thisdevicecomplies withPart18of theFCCRules.
Reliableoperatingtemperaturerange -20˚F/-29˚Cto185˚F/85˚C.
Note:Thisproductmaycauseinterferencewith radios, televisions, telephones, or remote controls. Ifinterference
occurs, movethisproductawayfromdevise orplugintoanotheroutlet.
† TotalkWhsaved multipliedby7.78 X10
metrictons CO
(poundsinametricton)= 1324poundsofCO
emissionsavoided. (based onEPA Assumptions:
†† Basedonwattagesaved(77W)xreplacement lampratedaveragelife(10,000) dividedby1000toget
Energy SaverTwister GU24 Replace a 100W incandescent with a 23W Energy Saver GU24Twister Your Savings = $77.00
over the life of the lamp Your Impact = 1324 lbs of CO
emissions and 770 kWh
of energy reduced over the life of lamp
Energy Saver Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Color Approx. Rated
Product Nom. Temp. Initial MOL Avg.Life
Number Description Watts (Kelvin) CRI Lumens
(In.) (Hrs.)
22285-1 EL/mdT 13W GU24 13 2700 82 900 3
⁄5 10,000
22286-9 EL/mdT 18W GU24 18 2700 82 1200 3
⁄5 10,000
22287-7 EL/mdT 23W GU24 23 2700 82 1600 4
⁄5 10,000
Avg.Life Watts Savings Over Life vs.
Wattage (Hrs.)
Saved Lamp Life
60 1000 47 $47 10 x More Life
75 750 57 $57 13 x More Life
100 750 77 $77 13 x More Life
6 Energy SaverTwisters 8 Energy SaverTwister GU24 10 Energy Saver SoftWhite Plus 12 Energy Saver Floods 14 Energy Saver Decoratives 16 Energy Saver Outdoor Lamps 18 Energy Saver Universal 20 Energy Saver Circlines
Easy retrofit for GU24 fixtures or luminaires
• Self ballasted
• Simple twist and lock design to allow quick and easy replacement
• Instant on
• Compact size fits most GU24 fixtures
• Meets California’s Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential
and Nonresidential Buildings (24 CCR 6)
Long life
• Lasts 9 years
Energy savings
• Saves up to $77 over the life of the lamp when you replace a
100WA19 incandescent lamp with a 23W Energy Saver
Twister GU24