Compact HID Lamps
2.3OEM Catalogue 2009/2010
Compact HID Lamps
Compact HID Lamps
Lighting is crucial for creating the right mood and environment for many
different types of retail experiences. Consumer purchasing behaviour is not
always the same. It can be purely functional, for instance when buying the daily
necessities, but on other occasions shoppers may be impulsive, or want to
indulge themselves and expect a much more sophisticated experience that is
also educational and entertaining. Creating the right ambience for customers
and showing merchandise in the best possible light is good for business and
increasing prot.
Attractively lit shops, showrooms and shopping centres encourage more
customers inside and persuade them to stay longer. The Compact High-Intensity
Discharge range of lamps perfectly meet this need. They will not only boost
your sales, they will reduce your lighting costs, giving you the best of both worlds.
The range that meets all of your needs
Our Compact HID lamps let you choose the right light for your application. Whether it is
accent lighting, power spots, down lighting, wall washing, floodlighting or area lighting, the
Compact HID range has the right lamp. In fashion and fresh food, they make all the difference.
They are also the first choice for new retail lighting installations and the ideal lamps to upgrade
existing installations. The majority of lamps in the Compact HID range are in the Philips
MASTER category, which include MASTERColour CDM lamps and MASTER SDW lamps.