OEM Catalogue 2009/20106.10
Tornado Mini Decorative
Tornado Mini
More and brighter light, smallest in size
New premium range in 5W, 8W and 12W
20% more and brighter light and is 25% smaller in size when
compared to the Genie range
Perfect decorative fit for small and open luminaires
Up to 80% energy saving
The new Tornado Mini range can replace 25W up to 60W
incandescent bulbs for instant energy savings of up to 80%
Long Life: 8 years
Up to 8 times longer life when compared to normal incandescent
1 year guarantee
Safety fuse and flicker-free start
Best environmental choice
The Tornado Mini range is fully RoHS compliant, conforming to the
most strict environmental leglislation in the world
The Tornado Mini range is widely used to replace incandescent light
bulbs in all kinds of applications, especially where intensive light
output is required
Enclosed luminaires are required for outdoor use
Not suitable for dimmers, electronic switches or remote controls
Tornado Mini 5W-12W
Type C F
Tornado Mini 5W 40 77
Tornado Mini 8W 40 84
Tornado Mini 12W 40 91