Section 5. Reactivity
Not applicable to an intact lamp.
Section 6. Health Hazards
Not applicable to an intact lamp. Breakage of the lamp may result in some exposure to the phosphor powder and to
elemental mercury. No adverse effects are expected from occasional exposure to broken lamps, but as a matter of good
practice, prolonged exposure should be avoided through the use of adequate ventilation during the disposal of large
quantities of lamps.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Apply normal first aid for glass cuts if such should occur through lamp breakage.
Section 7. Lamp Disposal Procedures
Normal precautions should be taken for the collection of glass particles in the event a lamp is broken.
Waste Disposal Method: All compact fluorescent lamps contain some amount of mercury. When a compact fluorescent
lamp is to be disposed, it is subject to the current EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) disposal
criteria. This test is used to determine if an item can be managed of as hazardous or non-hazardous waste.
Philips low-mercury ALTO compact fluorescent lamps are identifiable by their characteristic green logo. Philips ALTO
lamps are TCLP compliant and can be managed as non-hazardous waste. Philips will provide TCLP test data upon
Philips non-ALTO lamps (with black logo) are not TCLP compliant and should be managed as a hazardous waste under
the EPA Universal Waste Rules for fluorescent lamps.
All disposal options should be evaluated with respect to federal, state, and local requirements. Before disposing of waste
lamps, check with federal, state, and/or local officials for current guidelines and regulations. Philips encourages recycling
of its products through qualified recycling facilities.
Section 8. Control Measures
Respiratory Protection: None. NIOSH-approved respirator should be used if large quantities of lamps are being broken
for disposal.
Ventilation: Avoid inhalation of any airborne dust. Provide local exhaust when disposing of large quantities of lamps.
Hand and Eye Protection: Appropriate hand and eye protection should be worn when disposing of lamps and/or handling
broken glass.
Section 9. Regulatory Information
As a product, these mercury-containing lamps, when shipped in the manufacturer’s original packaging, are not regulated
by air, truck, or ocean shipment. As a waste, these lamps may be regulated in various states and local communities.
This safety data sheet does not constitute “knowledge of the waste” in certain jurisdictions.
This document supercedes previous document: LMDS CFI-08100 issued on 06/08/08.
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) requirements for materials
are not applicable to manufactured articles in which individuals would not be subjected to materials contained in the article
during its normally intended use. The information in this document is provided as a courtesy and is intended to provide
relevant information in the event the articles it covers are encountered during unintended, or abnormal, circumstances.