CD player and CD handling
• IftheCDplayercannotreadCDscorrectly,
use a cleaning CD to clean the lens before
taking the set to repair.
• ThelensoftheCDplayershouldneverbe
• Suddenchangesinthesurrounding
temperature can cause condensation on the
lens of your CD player. Playing a CD is then
not possible. Do not attempt to clean the
lens but leave the set in a warm environment
until the moisture evaporates.
• AlwaysclosetheCDdoortoavoidduston
the lens.
• TocleantheCD,wipeinastraightlinefrom
the center towards the edge using a soft,
lint-free cloth. Do not use cleaning agents as
they may damage the disc.
• NeverwriteonaCDorattachanystickers
to it.
Safety information
• Placethesetonaflat,hardandstable
surface so that the system does not tilt.
• WheretheMAINSplugoranappliance
coupler is used as the disconnect device,
the disconnect device shall remain readily
• Donotexposetheset,batteries,CDsto
humidity, rain, sand or excessive heat caused
by heating equipment or direct sunlight.
• Theapparatusshallnotbeexposedto
dripping or splashing.
• Adequateventilationwithaminimumgap
of 15cm (6 inches) between the ventilation
holes and surrounding surfaces is necessary
to prevent heat build-up.
• Donotcovertheventilationopeningswith
items such as newspapers, table-cloths,
curtains, etc.
• Noobjectsfilledwithliquids,suchasvases,
shall be placed on the apparatus.
• Nonakedflamesources,suchaslighted
candles, should be placed on the apparatus.
• Themechanicalpartsofthesetcontainself-
lubricating bearings and must not be oiled or
• Tocleantheset,useadrycloth.Donot
use any cleaning agents containing alcohol,
ammonia, benzene or abrasives as these may
harm the housing.
Maintenance & Safety (