In this mode, you can take multiple pictures at a time and save them
together or save only the specified pictures.
When you take pictures in this mode, the [Camera buffer] window is
displayed. For each picture taken, an image of the picture is added to the
[Camera buffer] window.
You can resize the [Camera buffer] window by dragging the sides or
corners of the window.
Buffer Select Mode
• In buffer select mode, the captured images are temporarily stored to the
buffer memory of the camera. Even if the images are stored to the computer,
they are not deleted from the buffer memory of the camera. Once the buffer
memory of the camera becomes full, you cannot take any more pictures. Be
sure to delete images saved to the computer or unneeded images from the
buffer memory accordingly.
• If you change the save mode (to single shot mode or auto save mode) while
thumbnails are displayed on the [Camera buffer] window, the message [The
camera buffer memory will be cleared. OK?] is displayed. Clicking [OK]
deletes the images displayed on the [Camera buffer] window and the images
in the buffer memory of the camera.
• Turning the camera off also deletes the images displayed on the [Camera
buffer] window and the images in the buffer memory of the camera.