Color space
A defined range of colors from the spectrum which are used. In digital
cameras, [sRGB] is defined as the standard by Exif. In this camera,
[AdobeRGB] is also used because of the richer color expression over
Color Temperature
This numerically expresses the color of the light source illuminating the
subject. This is indicated in absolute temperature, using Kelvin (K) units.
The color of light shifts to a bluish color as the color temperature rises, and
to a reddish color as the color temperature falls.
DCF (Design Rule for Camera File System)
A digital camera file system standard established by the Japan Electronics
and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).
Depth of Field
Area of focus. Reduce the aperture value to deepen.
DPOF (Digital Print Order Format)
Rules for writing information onto a card with recorded images regarding
the specific images and number of copies to be printed. Prints can easily
be made by taking images to a DPOF photo printing store.
EV (Exposure Value)
Exposure Value is determined by the combination of the aperture value
and the shutter speed.
EV Compensation
Process of adjusting the image brightness by changing the shutter speed
and aperture value.
Exif (Exchangeable image file format for digital still camera)
A standard digital camera file format established by the Japan Electronics
and Information Technology Industries Association (JEIDA).
Focus points
Position in the viewfinder that determines focus. In this camera, select
from [Auto], [Select] and [Center].