128 and 255 are received. Either the graphics characters or
italic versions of the lower valued characters (32 to 127) are
CR-LF Mode:
This command determines what the ESC/P® emulation does
with ASCII characters 10 and 13. These are the ‘line feed’ (LF)
and ‘carriage return’ (CR) characters. The “LF” causes the
printer to move down to the next print line, and the “CR”
causes the printer to move back to the left margin position. In
most cases, these are sent at the ends of lines to position the
printer for the next line of text.
Some host computers send one or the other of these, and some
send both, each hoping to move to the left margin and down
to the next line. You can determine the effect of these
characters when they are received. If your host sends only a
CR or LF to complete each line, you should set this to
LF=CR+LF CR=CR+LF so that both a carriage return (return
to left margin) and line feed are executed when just one of
these control codes is received by the printer.
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