[Other] tab settings
Change the display alert and color management settings in the [Other] tab.
Synchronous Display
Frame Advance
Sets whether to show all images for each synchronized
Main image view window when advancing frames during
synchronous display of multiple Main image view
In order : Shows all images.
Skip : Skips images displayed in other synchronous
display windows.
Item Description
Display Alerts Sets whether to display alerts.
Yes: Displays alerts. (The “In the future, do not show this
message.” check box is not checked for all alerts.)
No : Does not display alerts. (The “In the future, do not
show this message” check box is checked for all
Working Color
Sets color management method during image display.
Normal Display:
Displays the image with the color management set
for the image.
Disable Color Management:
Color management is disabled.
Simulated wide gamut display:
Expressive range of Adobe RGB is compressed to
sRGB expressive range and displayed. As the sRGB
gamut is narrower than the Adobe RGB gamut, color
reproduction is not completely accurate. However,
you can confirm colors in the Adobe RGB gamut that
cannot be expressed by the sRGB gamut.
Color Management
During Printing
Sets profile to use when printing.
Use printer settings:
Uses printer settings for profile when printing.
Select color profile:
Selects profile to use when printing from the [Profile]
drop-down list.
Disable Color Management:
Disables color management and does not use a
profile when printing.
Units mm : Sets units of length displayed in dialogs to
millimeters (mm).
in. : Sets units of length displayed in dialogs to inches.
Item Description