Chapter 1 - Know your K-7
Page 52
(Av) Aperture Priority Mode:
This lets the user set the Aperture. This is useful for se-
lective focusing. It affects blurring or sharpening of the
background. Large aperture renders a blurry background
and small aperture enlarges the depth of field. Av stands
for Aperture values.
More on Aperture Priority page120.
(TAv) Shutter & Aperture Priority Mode:
Automatically sets the sensitivity (ISO) so that the shut-
ter speed and aperture give the proper exposure ac-
cording to the brightness of the subject. TAv stands for
Time and Aperture values.
More on TAv Mode page120.
(M) Hyper Manual Mode:
This lets the user set the shutter speed and the aperture to
capture the picture with creative intent. You’re the boss
here and can override the camera to your liking.
M stands for manual mode. More on Manual Mode page