
Type: ––––––––––––––– TTL autofocus, auto-exposure 6 x 4.5 format SLR camera
Format: ––––––––––––– 56 x 41.5mm
Usable Film: ––––––––– 120 roll film (16 exposures) with 120 film holder, 220 roll film (33 exposures) with 220 film holder and 70mm roll
film (about 95 exposures) with 70mm film holder
Usable Film Speed: ––– ISO 12 - 6400
Exposure Modes:––––– Programmed AE Mode, Shutter-Priority AE Mode, Aperture-Priority AE Mode, Metered Manual Mode, Bulb
Mode, TTL Flash Mode
Shutter: ––––––––––––– Electronically-controlled vertical-run cloth focal-plane shutter, Speed range: (1) Auto 1/1000-30 sec.(stepless),
(2) Manual 1/1000-6 sec.(3) Bulb,
Lens Mount: ––––––––– Pentax 645 AF mount (645 A-mount with AF coupler, lens information contacts )
Compatible Lens:––––– Pentax 645 AF mount, Pentax 645 A-mount
Autofocus System: ––– TTL phase-matching multi-(3 points) autofocus system switchable to Spot focusing, AF operational brightness
range: EV -1 to 18 (at ISO 100), Focus lock available using shutter release button, Focus Mode: CONTINUOUS
(predictive AF provided), SINGLE, Manual [ MF ]
Viewfinder: –––––––––– Keplerian telescopic viewfinder with Natural-Bright-Matte focusing screen (Interchangeable focusing screens
available), Field of view: 92% vertical and 93% horizontal, Magnification:0.76X(with 75mm lens at infinity ),
Diopter: -3.5 to +1.5 m
, 3-point AF frame, Spot AF frame, Spot AF range
Viewfinder Indication: Focus Information: In-focus (Green lamp [ ] is lit), front or back focus signals and unable-to-focus indicator
(Green lamp blinks), Shutter speed indication, Aperture indication, Flash ready indication [ ] is lit, Bar graph
(exposure compensation), Auto bracketing indicator, Over or Under exposure indication in Manual Exposure
Mode, [ ] exposure compensation indication, [ ] AE lock indicator
External LCD panel ––– [ ] = possible to imprint exposure data, [ ] =Battery exhaustion warning, Film speed, ISO indication, Film
Self-timer: ––––––––––– Electronically-controlled type with delay time of 12 sec. or 2sec. delay when mirror lock-up in use. Start by
depressing of shutter release button, Operation confirmation: By PCV beep tone. Cancelable after operation
Mirror: –––––––––––––– Instant-return mirror with AF secondary mirror. Mirror lock-up is possible.