Brightness filter ................ 192
Brightness Level .............. 248
Built-in Memory ............... 215
Burst Shooting ................. 104
Calendar display .............. 166
Camera shake ............. 25, 89
Candlelight Mode .............. 90
Capture Mode Palette ....... 79
Changing volume ............ 231
Charging a battery ............. 38
Checking the
Memory Card ..................... 49
Clock Mode ..................... 256
Collage ............................ 198
Color emphasis filter ........ 192
Color filter ........................ 192
Connecting the Camera to
AV Equipment ................. 183
Connecting to a TV .......... 183
Continuous Shooting ....... 104
Contrast ........................... 145
Copy ................................ 215
Cropping .......................... 189
Date Adjustment ........ 55, 233
Date Imprint ..................... 145
Daylight saving time .......... 54
Default Settings ............... 291
Delete all ......................... 179
Delete i ................. 162, 176
Deleting sounds ............... 177
Digital Filter ..................... 192
Digital Microscope Mode ... 99
Digital SR Mode ................ 90
Digital Wide Mode ........... 111
Digital Zoom ...................... 90
Display brightness ........... 248
Display Language ............241
Dividing movies ................213
DPOF settings .................217
D-Range Setting ..............134
Drive Mode
.................103, 104, 108, 110
EV Compensation ............133
Extract color filter .............192
Eye-Fi ......................247, 280
Face Close-up Playback ..174
Face Detection ...................80
Filters ...............................192
Fireworks Mode .................90
Fish-eye filter ...................192
Flash Mode ......................117
Flash Off a (Flash) .........117
Flash On b (Flash) .........117
Flash On + Red-eye
d (Flash) .........................117
Flower ................................79
Focus Assist ....................123
Focus Mode .....................119
Focusing ..........................119
Focusing Area ..................121
Folder display ..................165
Folder Name ....................242
Food ...................................79
Format .............................230
Four-way controller ......61, 63
Frame Composite ....101, 204
Frame Rate ......................152
Green button ....................139
Green button X ...........61, 63
Green Mode .......................86
Guide Display ....................33